Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome :) and PLEASE comment

This blog will have information on:

- Cannon designs and descriptions of pre-1800s cannons, 1800-1900s cannons, and 1900s-modern cannons. With manufacture, design, battles, and ammunition types, and a picture of each

- Economic impacts such as the development of each cannon type as a military weapon and the way the weapon was strategically used in the acquisition of land and power.

- How the development of cannons helped create, destroy, or liberate existing or emerging societies. With battles, wars, or conflicts in each of the cannon periods and the outcomes of those events.

- Ethics of weapon development

Go to the pages on the sidebar to continue your journey through the history of cannons------>


  1. I looked through all your pages and everything looks really good and organized.

  2. Great job! I like how you seperated everything into different pages, I think that really helps organize your blog and make it AWESOME!

  3. Great job on the blog! The design makes it really organized and your info is great!
